Discover Genova Global LL
The fuel hose also for ATEX environments
Refineries. Distributors of petroleum products. Fuel storage and warehouses. All potentially explosive environments.
Which rubber hose to rely on?
Our hose is tested and approved by INERIS for use in ATEX environments. It is an electrically conductive hose, perfect for use on wagons and tank trucks.
Safety and high performance characterize our Genova Global LL:
suitable for delivery and suction of green petrol and fuels with an aromatic content of up to 50%
resistant to temperatures from -30°C to + 90°C, with peaks up to + 110°C
available at operating pressure of 10 and 16 bar, with safety factor 4:1
The cover is made with a rubber compound that is oil, ozone and abrasion resistant
The hose meets many standards. For the loading and unloading of liquid fuels: EN 1761 and ISO 2929 (at a maximum working pressure of 10 bar).
Genova Global LL respects the EN 12115: 11 standard (at a maximum pressure of 16 bar) and it is in accordance with TRbF for flammable liquids.
If you would you like to know more about the complete range then please get in touch